Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mindy & Dyson

1. Bill and I are "planning" an anniversary vacation to Hawaii in 2014 for our 15th. Is it too early to be really looking forward to this? But also want every day to last longer because I want my babies to stay babies forever? Dilemmas.
2. I can't wait for my Dyson to get here.
3. What new TV shows do you like so far or are looking forward to? I can't wait for The Mindy Project. I love Mindy Kaling.
4. Has anyone ever shopped at Coldwater Creek? I don't now anything about their clothes except that they seem overpriced and for olderish mom/teacher types. I have a coupon for $25 off $50 and I looked online to see if I could find a few things that suit me. Not sure...
5. I had a $25 gift card to AE and everything was 25% off so I bought a few things - needed more jeans.


  1. What an amazing trip. I've been to Hawaii twice (Maui and Kauai) and would love to go back. Our 15th is next year and we haven't decided what to do yet. I'm watching Revolution, but I wouldn't say I like it. I've missed all the other new shows I wanted to see. I need to DVR them. I've gone into Coldwater Creek and the clothes do seem very shapeless/older teacher-y.

  2. i think its a great idea to start getting excited and planning for your hawaii vacation! :)

    ive gotten those coldwater creek coupons too and then sat on their website for a few hours trying to decide what i want. and then i decide and the shipping is $10 and then theres tax so i deemed it not meant to be.

  3. Coldwater Creek is definitely an older market. Have you ever tried out Loft?

  4. Coldwater Creek is definitely an older market. Have you ever tried out Loft?
